Flourish~Nutrition to Wellness
Flourish~ Nutrition to Wellness provides a personalized approach to meeting your nutritional needs through a comprehensive assessment that includes lifestyle, medical history, food choices, lab biomarkers and more; prioritizing your goals, we work together to create a plan that promotes wellness and restores the body to optimal health. Through this integrative, holistic approach you learn skills to optimize your nutritional health, physical well-being, sleep hygiene, and much more.

Where to Start:
Complimentary Discovery Call
: Schedule a 15 minute call to share a bit about your health concerns/goals. We will provide details on what it looks like moving forward with Flourish if you choose. You have nothing to lose, it is FREE!

Initial Consultation: Following your Discovery Call, you will receive an invitation to our HIPPA compliant health portal where a detailed assessment will be completed.  This is where the work begins.  After completion of your forms, we will schedule a 90-minute consultation to discuss your results and develop your personalized plan. This consultation is offered in person or virtual. 

Follow up Consultation: Determined on an individual basis, but ~4-6 week follow ups are recommended.  Accountability is crucial to success; frequent follow ups allow us to evaluate what is working and strategies that might need adjusting.

Pantry/Refrigerator Makeover:  Started off with a fresh, uncluttered pantry & refrigerator.  Let us help you stock foods within the recommended guidelines for your personal needs. Prevent temptations and eliminate foods that have potential to sabotage meeting your health goals.

Personalized Grocery Shopping: Shopping can be overwhelming & confusing when you are learning new healthy habits.  Schedule a shopping trip with a nutrition professional: learn shopping tips, ask questions, and understand nutrition labels. Empower yourself with knowledge!

We are all unique & each person's path to wellness is unique; however, we are all meant to Flourish!